Friday, February 25, 2011


Patriotic American lemmings have been trained to eat the biggest, reddest, greasiest, bloodiest slab-o-meat no less than three times daily, “… if not, you’re a Commie!”

The Western Hemisphere is obsessed with protein; more is mistakenly perceived as better, macho; a symbol of prosperity, so “Don’t dis my meat, dude!” This concern is misplaced. Although protein is unquestionably essential in the way our temple functions, humans don’t innately require humongous amounts, yet they demand it. In reality, human omnivores need only small amounts. Only one calorie out of ten we take in needs to come from protein. The average American eats 50 percent more than they need. Why don’t we have more than two canine teeth?

Most Americans placidly picture happy cattle munching grass on undulating pastures, chickens pecking worms and bugs outside quaint red barns, and pigs gleefully gulping food at the trough. Unless locally grown by a true steward of God’s green earth, those days are toast. Today’s genetically altered, hormone seasoned chicken, pork, and beef come from factory farms. is a web site everyone should visit as well as renting an enlightening movie “The Earthlings.”

Next to water, proteins are a major part of your temple. Proteins build and repair body tissues, create essential hormones, form enzymes and body chemicals, regulate body processes, provide energy, hormones, and antibodies that empower the temple to fight infection. Protein is a significant building block of muscles, bones, cartilage, blood and skin. The health mojos of protein are contingent upon its quality and authenticity. Are the proteins you supply your family high or inferior in quality; garbage in, garbage out?

There are distinctive animal proteins, each performing a unique function in the body. This broaches cleanliness, originality, purity. Where did it come from, a local gentle family farmer who fed them green grass, or a factory farm where they were fed other cows, corn, or processed with carbon monoxide and red dye, or a chicken farmer who allowed his poultry to eat delicious bugs and meandering worms as our creator planned?

Eating too much protein, as we’re constantly urged, especially with too little complex carbohydrates creates ketosis; when the temple metabolizes body fat for energy purposes instead of the usual glucose-from-carbohydrates. An Endocrinologist’s dream. This process leaves behind carbon particles called ketones which cause loss of appetite and loss of water weight. Eating too much protein with no exercise, however, will not increase strength but will definitely increase stress levels. According to Mayo when someone suffers from a high level of ketones in the blood, they’ll begin to suffer from both excessive thirst and more frequent, foul-smelling urination.

An easy way to calculate your daily protein requirement according to the USDA is to multiply 0.36 (grams) by your body weight. That translates to about 44 grams for a 120-pound woman and 54 grams for a 150-pound male. An ounce is 28.4 grams.

Need another reason to dial down your meat consumption? You may have a higher risk of cancer if you eat too much meat injected with growth hormones given to cattle to help them grow larger. These hormones remain in factory meat and upset hormone balance leading to an increased risk of breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. Hormone residues found in beef and milk are being blamed for bringing on early puberty in young girls. This risk can be reduced by only eating hormone-free, organic meats.

AARP studies report people who eat the largest quantities of red and processed meats are 20 percent more likely to die of cancer. Recently red meat’s been associated with increased risk of overall mortality.

Sigh…. Unholy cow!  Your body’s your buddy, my dear readers. Keep reminding yourself, less is more, less is more.

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